WPF integration for VAB update for Enterprise Library 4.0
Patterns and Practices recently published Enterprise Library 4.0 for Visual Studio 2008 and .NET 3.5.
I have updated the WPF integration for the validation application block (VAB) to work with the latest version. It also comes with the following improvements:
- You can bind to different business objects (i.e. have different data contexts) inside a single ErrorProvider.
- Value converters on the bindings are now supported.
- Call Init() on the ErrorProvider if new validators should be added for a dynamic UI.
- ErrorProvider now has a property ErrorMessages, which contains a list of all errors.
You can download the updated version here:
- Download version 2.0 for Visual Studio 2008, .NET 3.5 and Enterprise Library 4.0
- Download version 1.1 for Visual Studio 2005, .NET 3.0 and Enterprise Library 3.0/3.1
You can read my previous posts on the WPF integration for VAB here: